© Girling Angling Society, 2015. All Rights Reserved

Secretary’s Blog – June 2024

Additional Trustees

Pleased to inform you that after due process the Society now has three additional Trustees in Peter Fawke, Peter Whittingham and Roger Middleton along with current Trustees Frank Bagley and retired Chairman Dave Mullins. The Committee page on the website will now be updated.

Match Chat

Winter Pools Series;-

LP Highland- Nick Cullis 72-3-0, Stephen Bedford 51-7-0, Frank Bagley 51-6-0. This excellent match saw everyone catching but an overhead thunder storm followed by 20 minutes of hail lashing down put the fish down for a while. The end of series cash was won by Peter Fawke, Andy Coles & Frank Bagley.

The Table after three matches of ten has Brian Burton is on 7, Andy Lacey on 10 & H. on 11 points.

Aggregate Fladbury Cup;- H. Potter 9-14-0, Andy Lacey 5-11-0, Brian Burton 4-6-0. The match was won in the middle section on peg 19. H. Potter had a Bream around 5lb in his 9-14-0 winning weight using a GB/Hemp feeder with Red maggots on the hook, the guys on the high numbers struggled.

Fladbury Sunday Match;- The result of the Sunday match is interesting. Heard that the match was won in peg 26 with 12lb, second around 8lb included a Barbel. In peg 4 there was another 8lb, a Bream & quality Roach on the feeder, apparently 6-10oz Roach in superb condition. Also heard that a big Bream came out of peg 2. It seems that the ground bait feeder is scoring at the moment & the method to be on in certain pegs.   


We had the tractor down in May but Wednesday 19/6 Peter F. Frank & Roger had a go clearing the top of the pegs which had grown back, Frank cleared the footpath gate which was completely overgrown with brambles causing walkers to climb over the field gate. Some kind chap decided to steal the lock & chain, luckily we had a spare with the same combination.

The following Wednesday with the 100AC fishing a match in the low numbers the Secretary cleared the tree lying across pegs 34 & 35.

Overhanging branch in peg 2. This huge branch is a bit of a problem, cut from the bank you would never get it out, to cut half way along over the water would be too risky, we are taking advice.

Status;- Current maintenance status:- Survey & Projects.  

Full Membership

As the season opens we have 33 full members, down on last season but recovering fast with 7 new full members most fishing the river matches.

Associate Membership

After reminding all of last seasons Associated members with a text or an email we have had 5 members immediately respond & re-join plus several enquiries.  

Fladbury availability

If you want to understand Fladbury availability for pleasure fishing;-

Fladbury ‘Match Box’

Matches in July 2024

6/7/2024 –  Fourth Aggregate BAA Pershore RB

13/7/2024 – First Spring League TBF Club

20/7/2024 – Fladbury PW Trophy

27/7/2024 – Second Spring League Packington Little Gearies.

Secretary’s Blog