© Girling Angling Society, 2015. All Rights Reserved
Seasonal Bank Clearing
Every year the members clear the banks in May-June & again in August involving strimming the overgrowth down to the water's edge and ensuring the ability to cast & see downstream. The dates for this activity are placed on the Venue List & members who assist can compete for the sponsored "Jim Tyler's Cutters Cup" match.
The Society would ask all participants to be responsible for their own Health and Safety when completing maintenance and please do not complete these activities alone.
The "Fladbury Survey" shows the current work required, if you’re not sure call the Secretary.
Link to "Fladbury Survey" Chart
Work Projects
In addition to regular Bank Clearing the Society undertakes the more structural and specialist tasks like producing steps, building platforms and trimming the trees. These activities are shown on the Work Projects Plan using specialist volunteer "Work Teams" as necessary throughout the year.
If you can help call the Fishery Manager.
Link to "Works Projects" Chart
2017 objective "Safe Steps"
For decades the enormous workload and limited help had resulted in many of the pegs becoming unfishable and dangerous.
"Safe Steps by Autumn 2017" was the bold objective we set ourselves at the AGM at the start of 2017, many thought it was not possible.
The First Year
We started with 5 or 6 members, the hardest task was getting the materials to the top of the pegs.
When we saw members building “robust low maintenance steps” we decided to complete all 26 pegs in this way. We realised that we could also have platforms rather than standing on a muddy bank, these decisions increased the scope of the task enormously. We also decided that the silted pegs 5 to 9 needed raised platforms and in that first year some pegs were fitted with temporary steps.
Needless to say that by the end of 2017 and after an incredible effort by 5 or 6 members we had completed approximately 60% of the fishery but all of the pegs were safer.
2018 Objective “A Low Maintenance Safer Fishery”
After the incredible efforts in 2017 we started again in March 2018. Being able to drive into the field was now an enormous advantage.
The Raised and Bottom Stage platforms were all completed but finding materials to complete the steps became the problem. The steps were gradually completed and by the end of June 2018 the rejuvenation to a low maintenance safe fishery was complete. An incredible fifteen month effort by a few of the members.
Nine new Pegs in the Lock Stream
In 2018 following Land Registry we decided to build nine pegs in the Lock Stream. The pegs were considered to be Winter Pegs when the boat traffic had reduced or ideal with a bit of water on. These pegs were ideal for the Pole and available for Associate members on match days.
Fladbury Maintenance following the upgrade
In 2018 the Land Owner decided to help and the top of the pegs are now regularly maintained using a tractor. Following ploughing in 2020 the land owner allowed the use of a raised area within the field for use as a Car Park for the winter months when access to the top of the pegs was not possible. Bank Clearing general maintenance and following flooding will always be a necessity but the seasonal workload had considerably reduced.
The Outcome
Fladbury LB fishery is now safer for anglers and the public and the angling experience is enhanced by safer mud free robust pegs. It is important to remember that this was achieved by four or five willing members over a period of nearly two years.
Since the upgrade we have seen a surge in Full and Associate Membership with Associate members typically commenting that the GirlingAS pegs are the best seen on the Avon and turnout on the Fladbury matches has reached record levels. Encouragingly many of these new members are helping with regular maintenance.
Girling Angling Society are very proud of the members achievements, their efforts are having an enormous effect on the long term future of the Society. As custodians we can hand over the Society to future generations feeling proud of what we have achieved, Link to “Fishery News”.
John Blakemore
Even though John has not been well recently he found the time to replace the access sign stand free of charge
Fladbury Pegs |
Committee |
History |
Peg by Peg |
Schematic |
Constitution |
Meetings |
Sec. Rep. |
Notices |
Minutes |
11/12/24 |
Club Prize Money |
Communications |
Accounting |
Full Members |
Associate Members |
Membership |
Maintenance |
Blogs |
Venue List |
Match Results |
League Tables |
Archived Tables |
Match Rules |
Trophy Record |
Cutters Cup Records |
Roach Cup Records |
Catches |
Venue Maps |
Pools Chart |
Aggregate |
Canal Series |
Club Championship |
Pools Pairs |
River Pairs |
Spring League |
Winter League |
Winter Pools |
Season Winners |
Associates Rules |
2024 |
Membership Graphs |
Membership Renewal |
Fladbury Survey |
Works Projects |
Risk Assessments |
Coronavirus |
Bank Clearing |
Use of Power Tools |
Water Quality Monitoring Network |
Bacterial Pollution |
Sec. Blog |
News |
Fishery News |
Water Quality |
Graphs 25 |
Graphs 24 |
Graphs 23 |
Tabulated Data |
AT Award |